![Might From the Margins with Dennis Edwards [EP-126]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65133c5f4233c17b761bbc2a/1695848461941-1OGDQ0ZGS65NJBDL3BAV/image-asset.jpeg)
God for Guns: A Christian Response to Yet Another School Shooting
...many of those who cling more tightly to their weapons at times like this are Christians who would label themselves as conservatives. These people of course will defend their rights to “bear arms” as part of their heritage as Americans, as this seems promised under the Second Amendment. Of course, I have never actually met one who also claims to be part of a well-regulated state militia, which was the grounds for the Second Amendment in the first place. Beyond this however, I think we get a peek at the larger and deeper issue. What this reveals is an issue of trust, and what we trust is what we ultimately worship.
Jesus' Radical Kingdom Reformation within Judaism (and some stuff about The Reformation)
ust like Luther, and the later reformers 500 years ago, the message of Jesus upset the gatekeepers of religious boundaries.Whenever this happens, the gatekeepers must decide if they are going to tear down the arbitrary gates and redefine who is “in.” Or will they resist as though the movement of God is limited by human boundaries?