Enneagram & 40 Days on Being a 3 with Sean Palmer [EP-129]

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In this conversation, Kurt chats with Sean Palmer about his book, Forty Days on Being a 3. It is a series of formation books based on the numbering system of the Enneagram. He discusses the Enneagram as a whole and his particular number, enneagram 3.GIVE THE SHOW SOME LOVE1) If you would be so kind to hop on iTunes (or your feed of choice) and leave Theology Curator a review there, that would be amazing. The more reviews we can get will lead to greater visibility in iTunes. And I (Kurt) LOVE reading your comments!2) Also, please consider hitting up Theology Curator’s online tip-jar through Patreon (think Kickstarter for ongoing content creators). For $5 per month, or more, you can make a direct impact on this show. Financial partners like you really do make this all possible! Through Patreon, you make a tangible difference in this show’s sustainability and quality!

Kurt Willems

Prior to his call to Brentview, Kurt was a pastor in central California and Seattle, Washington. He holds a master of divinity degree from Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary and a master's degree in comparative religion from the University of Washington (where he focused on the historical Paul within Judaism and the Roman Empire). Kurt also completed a two-year training program to become a spiritual director called, Stewards of the Mystery. He loves hanging out with his wife, Lauren, and their amazing two daughters. Kurt’s first book is called, Echoing Hope: How the Humanity of Jesus Redeems our Pain. Also, he loves football and skateboarding.


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