![Jonathan Puddle: You are Enough [EP-133]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65133c5f4233c17b761bbc2a/1695848457339-R7V3TCWIJ8O7VX5OTD7G/image-asset.jpeg)

![Enneagram & 40 Days on Being a 3 with Sean Palmer [EP-129]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65133c5f4233c17b761bbc2a/1695848442039-2GKG5INMAEN946IKEWD4/image-asset.png)

What is the Kingdom of God? (with Frank Viola)
In sum, the kingdom of God includes the King (the ruler), God’s reign (rulership), and the people ruled (realm). Again, the kingdom is the manifestation of God’s ruling presence.

In sum, the kingdom of God includes the King (the ruler), God’s reign (rulership), and the people ruled (realm). Again, the kingdom is the manifestation of God’s ruling presence.